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Sustainability Team

LASD Sustainability Team

In 2016, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors established the Chief Sustainability Office to make Los Angeles communities “healthier, more equitable, economically stronger, more resilient, and more sustainable.” As of August of this year, the Our County Sustainability Plan was implemented. This plan will have tremendous impacts throughout the county. As a result, the Sheriff’s Department has created the LASD Sustainability Team. The Sustainability Team’s goal is to meet the targets of the County’s plan; most notably, Goal 9 which encourages sustainable production and consumption of resources. With this plan we hope to make our stations and custody facilities more sustainable and more resilient, hopefully making a stronger impact on our environment.

Community Beach Cleanup – December 14, 2019 from 10:00 am- 1:00 pm at Topanga State Beach. To sign up, please use this link

sandbags in flood waters
flood watch 1024 1024 SIB Staff

flood watch


It’s a familiar sequence of disasters for Californians, after the vegetation has burned from the hillside, rainy weather has the potential to trigger mud and debris flow into areas already impacted natural disaster. This scenario could happen again in areas impacted by the Tick and Getty fires.

We ask those affected by recent fires to be diligent, check for status updates and if necessary, and be prepared to evacuate immediately.

It is imperative that residents in previously fire-burned areas are prepared in case of an emergency.

Here are some ideas to keep in mind before the next big storm.

•     Check with your local Fire station for free sandbags. For more information visit:

•     Prepare a “Go Bag” that includes a flashlight, batteries, bottled water, non-perishable food, blankets, warm clothing, first aid kit, cash, important documents, and other items you might need for at least three days.

•     Provide for the needs of your pets.

•     Stay home if you really don’t need to be outside.

•     Use extreme caution you are using local roads and slow down for debris in the street.

•     Treat all non-working traffic signal lights at intersections as stop signs.

•     Stay away from downed power lines and report them to your local authorities.

For more information about emergency preparedness, please visit: