AB 953 - R.I.P.A Stop Data Information Dashboard
The Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) of 2015 requires all California law enforcement agencies to collect specific information on certain types of police contacts.
The data is recorded by deputy personnel after their interaction with the person(s) they have contacted (Contact). Interactions are classified as either a ‘Call for Service’ (typically a citizen calling 911) or ‘Deputy Initiated’ (most commonly a traffic stop) The data required to be collected under the RIPA statute, commonly referred to as AB-953, includes:
- Date, time, duration, and location of the stop
- Information about each Contact, as perceived by the deputy including but not limited to:
- Race or ethnicity
- Gender
- Age
- If the deputy perceived the person to be LGBT
- If the deputy perceived the person as having limited or no English fluency
- If the deputy perceived the person as having a disability
- If the stop was made in response to a Call for Service or was Deputy Initiated
- The reason/justification for the stop (vehicle code violation, observation of possible criminal activity etc.)
- Actions taken by the deputy personnel during the stop. Examples include:
- Ordering a contact to exit their vehicle
- Placing a contact in handcuffs
- Placing a contact in the back seat of a patrol vehicle
- Performing Field Sobriety Tests
- Searching a contact or their property.
- The basis for any search and if property was seized
- If any contraband or evidence was discovered
- The outcome(s) of the stop. examples of outcomes include:
- No action taken
- Verbal warning
- Issuance of a citation or notice to appear
- Making an arrest
- Contacting school officials
- The deputy’s unique identification number, years of experience at the time of the stop, and assignment type at the time of the stop. Assignment types can include:
- Patrol
- DUI Checkpoint
- Narcotics/vice
- Gang enforcement etc.
How to View Data
To access the Department’s RIPA dashboard, click the blue bar below on this page labeled ‘View the R.I.P.A Stop Data Dashboard’. If you would like access to the raw data in Excel(r)/CSV format you can click the blue bar below labeled ‘Access the County’s Open Data Site to download raw data’. (Note: May not be as current as dashboard data.)
Once in our interactive RIPA dashboard you’ll see the menu area along the top of the screen. The page you are on will be highlighted in yellow. From the home page you can navigate to the other pages by clicking the appropriate button.
You can also filter your results by using the ‘slicers’ on the left side of the home page. Currently you can filter by date, race, stop type (deputy initiated, call for service or both), the patrol station or unit name and, the city/area.
The dashboard is interactive! Use your mouse to click on the visuals to get more insights. For example, on the home page if you click on the blue area of the gender pie chart your results will be recalculated to show values associated with male contacts (To reset back to normal view click again). Hovering over any ‘card’ visual (the ones which have numbers and percentages) will provide even more information about the numbers and, in many cases, a definition or the action a deputy took.
If you are interested in the definitions of the various RIPA data elements you can visit the California Office of Attorney General at the following address, https://oag.ca.gov/ab953/regulations. Note: All of the RIPA data elements are defined by the California Code of Regulations, not the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
Note: Data may not be as current as dashboard data.