Deputy-Involved Shootings

Every deputy-involved shooting is traumatic for all involved. Each incident is unique and complex. As such, these incidents go through several internal and external layers of investigation and analysis.

The Sheriff’s Department conducts very thorough and clearly-defined investigations into shootings and uses of force. The Internal Affairs Bureau Force/Shooting Response Team conducts an administrative review of all deputy-involved shootings, when no one is struck by gunfire. Homicide Bureau is responsible for the criminal investigation of all deputy-involved shootings when a person is struck by gunfire.

Each deputy-involved shooting is reviewed by independent investigative agencies. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office Justice System Integrity Division (JSID) members respond to the scene to conduct an independent and thorough review of the evidence. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) also sends a representative to provide independent oversight for best practices.

Upon completion of the initial criminal investigation, Homicide Bureau presents the case to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Justice System Integrity Division (JSID). JSID evaluates the force used by the involved Sheriff’s personnel to determine whether or not the shooting was legally justified or in violation of the law. In case of a fatality, the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner – Coroner conducts a parallel investigation which may include an autopsy and pathology reports.

In every incident, multiple witness interviews, the examination of available video footage, and expert analysis of significant amounts of forensic evidence are required. Our understanding of these cases may evolve as additional evidence is discovered, collected, analyzed, and reviewed.

Our goal is that the attached documents may provide a better understanding of these complex incidents, based on the information currently available. In each document, redactions may have been made to protect the identity of involved parties and all juvenile subjects.

Who Investigates Deputy-Involved Shootings - graphic

Family Assistance Program -FAP

Shootings which result in injury or fatality

Current year: 2025

Date of IncidentUnitLocationPerson InvolvedFile NumberIncident SummaryCoroner ReportJ.S.I.D ReportVideo
01/21/2025Century Station7600 Block of Compton Ave., Unincorporated Los AngelesDelgado, George025-00860-2172-013Yes2025-01339
01/30/2025Lakewood Station15000 Block of Paramount Blvd, ParamountAlvarez, Juan025-01786-1364-013Yes2025-01984