LASD Valor awards 2024
Sheriff Robert Luna Recognizes and Awards Department Personnel During 2024 Valor Awards Ceremony
Every day, deputies risk their lives to protect communities in the County of Los Angeles, and sometimes certain deputies go above and beyond the call of duty.
In 1982, the Department Valor Awards Program was established to officially and publicly recognize the exceptionally heroic acts performed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department members with the highest awards such as the Meritorious Conduct Medal award and the Medal of Valor. These medals and awards symbolize acts of bravery, personal dedication, enduring physical trauma, and selfless sacrifice in the service of others with the ultimate goal of saving lives.
On Wednesday, October 3, 2024, to honor their courage and commitment to service, Sheriff Robert Luna along with LASD Executives, presented medals to 26 Department members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), two retired and five civilians for their heroic actions with the highest honors during the annual Valor Awards Ceremony.
Watch the LASD Valor awards 2024
2024 LASD Valors awards, hosted at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall, in Los Angeles – Facebook
Christine Devine who is an acclaimed and well-renowned American television news anchor for FOX 11 in Los Angeles was invited to be the Master of Ceremonies (MC). She has won an impressive 16 Emmy Awards throughout her career. Devine also holds an honorary doctorate from Cal State LA and has been inducted into the Hall of Fame at her alma mater, Arizona State University.
During the event, Master of Ceremonies Cristine Devine invited Sheriff Robert Luna to the stage and recounted the heroic actions of each award recipient to an audience of nearly 300 Department personnel, colleagues, family, and friends.
Once all the recipients received their medals and awards, Sheriff Robert Luna took the stage and said, “As I look out in this auditorium, I see people who care about their communities, their neighbors, and place the value of service above self-interest, people who step forward and take action under very dangerous and uncertain conditions, none of these men and women never hesitated, they went right in.”
He recognized the community members by saying, “I commend our community members who earned Humanitarian Medals for their brave actions, that made a difference in the outcome of these incidents and the lives of others. We are all grateful and proud to have you here today.”
Sheriff Robert Luna during his speech expressed his admiration and appreciation to the recipients by saying, “The Medal of Valor is the highest honor given to a law enforcement officer and an absolute testament to the acts of unparalleled bravery and selflessness. I’m absolutely honored to be here with all of you today and to share the honor with our recipients. Every day, the men and women of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department face immense challenges and dangers, and their actions are scrutinized like never before, and yet, they risk everything. Everything to serve their communities, to serve each and to serve every one of us.”
Sheriff Robert Luna while ending his speech proudly said, “I am reminded of why at least me personally I wanted to become a law enforcement officer and why I take absolute pride in what I believe is the best but most difficult profession in the world. Heroic actions like these, we acknowledge today, are what sets our profession apart from all others that make it a truly noble profession.”
The eleven incidents highlighted during the Valor Awards are as follows:
Recipients of the Humanitarian Medal
Pablo Pena, Fredy Hernandez, Dawaun Lucas, Cynthia Ramirez, and Victor Martinez.
Incident: Pico Rivera Station – July 5, 2020
On July 5, 2020, a suspect who had just committed a carjacking, which resulted in the death of a child, attempted to carjack a second vehicle. The driver of the second vehicle, Pablo Pena, had exited the vehicle to purchase drinks from a street vendor while his wife and child were in the running vehicle. The suspect jumped into the driver’s seat of Pena’s vehicle and began to drive away.
Pena feared for the safety of his family and quickly jumped into the rear passenger seat. He began punching the suspect and put him in a headlock, causing the suspect to lose control of the vehicle.
The vehicle crashed into a curbline, and the suspect exited the vehicle and began running. Witness Fredy Hernandez was working as a food and drink street vendor when he saw the suspect jump into Pena’s vehicle and then attempt to flee. Hernandez and other witnesses grabbed the suspect and held him down until deputies arrived.
Witnesses Dawaun Lucas, Victor Martinez, and Cynthia Ramirez followed the suspect after the first carjacking and called 911.
For their bravery, quick thinking, and immediate action, Pablo Pena, Fredy Hernandez, Dawaun Lucas, Cynthia Ramirez, and Victor Martinez were awarded the Humanitarian Medal.
Recipients of the Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal
Deputy Christopher Flores, Deputy Randell Anchondo, Deputy Anthony Pacheco, and Lieutenant Ruben Loera.
Incident: Temple Station – December 13, 2021
On December 13, 2021, Temple Station deputies responded to a call of a suicidal male under the influence of a controlled substance with a boxcutter knife. Deputies immediately formulated a plan to gain the male’s cooperation.
Deputy Christopher Flores, a Crisis Intervention Trained deputy, communicated with the male from the doorway of the male’s bedroom. The male began slashing his neck repeatedly. Deputy Flores fired his Taser at the male’s torso, but it did not deter the male from using his knife on himself. Sergeant Loera (now a Lieutenant) ordered Deputy Randell Anchondo to fire one round of 40MM, striking the male in the lower back. Deputy Flores then stunned the male in his upper back, however, both less-lethal tools were ineffective.
The male began losing large amounts of blood from his neck wound, which resulted in him dropping the knife. The deputies immediately applied pressure to the male’s neck while restraining the suspect, so he wouldn’t cause further harm.
For their bravery and decisiveness in a dangerous situation, Deputies Anchondo, Flores, Anthony Pacheco, and Lieutenant Loera are awarded Meritorious Conduct Silver.
Recipients of the Lifesaving Medal
Deputies Sterling Buck, Taylor Brannigan,
Recipients of the Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal
Deputy Santos Coronado
Incident: Lakewood Station – November 22, 2019
On November 22, 2019, Lakewood Station deputies responded to a call of a vehicle on fire with a person inside. Deputies arrived before the Fire Department to a black Chevrolet Trail Blazer engulfed in flames and immediately began using their fire extinguishers.
As the victim screamed for help from inside the vehicle, Deputies Sterling Buck and Taylor Brannigan attempted to extinguish the fire, giving Deputy Ivan Santos Coronado enough time to extract the victim from the vehicle.
Lakewood Station deputies demonstrated teamwork and determination to extract the victim. Deputies Buck and Brannigan are awarded Lifesaving medals, and Deputy Santos Coronado is awarded Meritorious Conduct Silver.
Recipients of the Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal
Deputy Elliot Plichta, Deputy Rafael Vargas, Deputy Aldrin Mora, Deputy Bryant Torregano Jr., Deputy Alejandro Tineo
Incident: Transit Services Bureau – January 19, 2021
On January 19, 2021, Transit Services Bureau deputies responded to a call at the El Monte Bus Terminal of a distraught woman threatening to end her life by jumping from the upper level of the terminal to the lower bus bay area 40 feet below.
Deputy Elliot Plichta immediately engaged the female in conversation to distract her. Deputy Rafael Vargas circled in an attempt to gain control of the female. As the female continued to converse with Deputy Plichta, Deputy Vargas grabbed her hand and held onto her as she stepped off the ledge.
The female was dangling from the ledge while Deputies Plichta, Vargas, Deputy Aldrin Mora, Deputy Bryant Torregano Jr., and Deputy Alejandro Tineo (now a Sergeant) grabbed her and pulled her up over the ledge to safety.
For their quick thinking, selflessness, and lifesaving actions, Deputies Plichta, Vargas, Mora, Torregano Jr., and Sergeant Tineo are awarded Meritorious Conduct Silver.
Recipients of Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal
Deputies Jason Colon, Deputy Hector Sinay
Incident: Lakewood Station – February 17, 2019
On February 17, 2019, Lakewood Station deputies responded to a call of a burning apartment in the city of Paramount.
Deputies Jason Colon and Hector Sinay arrived and found the balcony area of one apartment on fire and fire entering the unit. The deputies entered the building and rescued an elderly female and male from their unit.
Both deputies suffered from smoke inhalation and were transported to the nearest hospital to recover.
For Deputies Colon and Sinay’s extreme dedication to saving lives, their selflessness, and their willingness to go over and beyond, they are awarded the Meritorious Conduct Silver.
Recipients of the Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal
Deputies Travis Jaime, Christopher Abeyta, Sergeant German Ochoa Deputy Laura Garcia-Tinajero
Incident: Norwalk Station – June 28, 2018
On June 28, 2018, Norwalk deputies responded to a stabbing call in an apartment complex. When they arrived, the victim was lying on the upper walkway, bleeding profusely. Residents exited the building and notified the deputies that the suspect was still inside the apartment.
Recognizing the severity of the situation, the deputies quickly formulated a plan to extract the suspect. Deputies Travis Jaime, Christopher Abeyta, and Detective German Ochoa (Now a Sergeant) provided security cover with a shield, while Deputy Laura Garcia-Tinajero rescued the victim. Deputy Garcia Tinajero delivered the victim to awaiting paramedics and rejoined her team on the upper walkway.
Deputies were told there was an eight-year-old girl inside the apartment with the suspect. They knew they had to be tactful and quick in extracting the suspect while protecting the young girl.
Deputy Jaime maintained the shield, Detective Ochoa deployed the Arwen, and Deputy Abeyta deployed a Taser. The team approached the door and found it unlocked. After making announcements and calling the suspect by name, the suspect walked towards the front door with the girl behind him. The young girl was rescued by the deputies while the suspect peacefully surrendered.
Deputies Abeyta, Jaime, Garcia Tinajero, and Sergeant Ochoa displayed incredible skill, kept calm in a dangerous situation, rescued the stabbing victim, the little girl, and apprehended the suspect without further incident. For that, they are awarded the Meritorious Conduct Silver.
Recipients of Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal
Sheriff’s Security Officer (SSO) Luis Medina
Incident: County Services Bureau – December 11, 2019
On December 11, 2019, while working at the West Valley Department of Mental Health Clinic in Chatsworth, Sheriff’s Security Officer (SSO) Luis Medina saw thick black smoke coming from a residence across the street from his post.
SSO Medina immediately ran towards the residence as he radioed for assistance from the Los Angeles City Fire Department.
SSO Medina entered the home through the smoke-filled garage and began checking the rooms. He found a male sleeping in one of the bedrooms. He made contact with the male and assisted him out of the residence. When SSO Medina determined there was no one else in the residence, he exited and noticed the fire had intensified.
SSO Medina used the garden hose to control the fire and minimize the damage to the residence. He noticed the garden hose was ineffective, so he stepped away from the residence and awaited the arrival of the Fire Department.
SSO Medina was treated for smoke inhalation and released with no restrictions. For SSO Medina’s bravery and quick action, he is awarded the Meritorious Conduct Silver.
Recipient of the Meritorious Conduct Gold Medal
Deputy Francisco Espinosa, Lieutenant Fray Lupian,
Incident: Malibu/Lost Hills Station – November 29, 2017
On November 29, 2017, Malibu/Lost Hills Station’s Deputy Francisco Espinoza was traveling on Pacific Coast Highway when he located a reported stolen vehicle. Deputy Espinoza broadcasted that he was “Code 9” following behind the vehicle.
Sergeant Fray Lupian (now a Lieutenant) and another deputy responded to Deputy Espinoza’s location. At this time, Deputy Espinoza initiated a felony traffic stop of the suspect vehicle. The suspect yielded, let out a female passenger, and sped away to evade the deputies.
Deputy Espinoza initiated a pursuit, however, Sergeant Lupian saw the vehicle was driving at a high rate of speed and determined it was unsafe to continue the pursuit. Deputy Espinoza discontinued the pursuit of the vehicle, per Sergeant Lupian’s orders.
After stopping the pursuit, the suspect traveled at a high rate of speed and collided with three parked vehicles and one moving vehicle. The sergeant and deputy followed the cloud of smoke and found the suspect vehicle engulfed in flames.
Sergeant Lupian and Deputy Espinoza attempted to extinguish the flames with their fire extinguisher. The suspect was screaming in agony, and the extinguishers were ineffective.
Deputy Espinoza was finally able to open the driver’s door and he and Sergeant Lupian dragged the suspect out of the vehicle. Fifteen seconds after the suspect was extracted, the vehicle became fully engulfed and exploded.
Due to their bravery and selflessness regardless of who the victim was, Lieutenant Lupian and Deputy Espinoza are awarded the Meritorious Conduct Gold.
Recipient of the Line of Duty Medal
Detective Eliott Uribe (Retired)
Incident: Special Victims Bureau – January 8, 2018
On January 8, 2018, Detective (retired) Eliott Uribe was on duty and conducting follow-up on his cases in the city of Santa Clarita. Detective Uribe made a brief stop at a restaurant and as he was walking back to his vehicle, he was approached from behind by a male suspect.
The suspect stated to Detective Uribe, “You’re a cop.”, and without warning, the suspect stabbed Detective Uribe in the chest with a kitchen knife and fled the location.
Detective Uribe was seriously wounded but was able to enter his vehicle and radio to Santa Clarita Valley Station units that he had been stabbed and was also able to give a clear description of his attacker.
Detective Uribe applied pressure to his wound to stop the bleeding until help arrived.
Detective Uribe kept his composure and assisted with the capture of his attacker due to his description of an extremely stressful incident, and for this, he was awarded the Line of Duty medal.
Recipients of the Medal of Valor
Deputy Christine Adams, Deputy Nicholas Gallardo
Incident: Compton Station – April 3, 2019
On April 3, 2019, Compton Station deputies responded to a structure fire. The call that had come in stated for responding units to enter the building from its east entrance. Deputy Christine Adams approached the east entrance and saw multiple people running from the structure, which was engulfed in flames. One person shouted for help, stating their girlfriend was still inside.
Deputy Adams heard a faint cry for help from inside the courtyard and ran through the smoke towards the voice. Deputy Adams saw Deputy Nicholas Gallardo who notified her there was a woman trapped on the other side of the brick wall, inside a plywood structure between two buildings with an aluminum awning.
Deputy Gallardo lifted Deputy Adams on top of the wall. Deputy Adams made contact with the trapped woman who stated she couldn’t get out. The smoke from the fire was filling the structure and Deputy Adams was having difficulty breathing.
The woman collapsed and became unresponsive. Deputy Adams knew she had to act quickly, so she lifted the aluminum awning and jumped inside the structure. Deputy Gallardo straddled the brick wall, attempting to break the plywood walls.
Deputy Adams was able to grab the woman and she gained consciousness. Deputy Gallardo placed chairs on both sides of the wall to assist with lifting the woman over the wall to safety.
Deputies Gallardo and Adams worked together and saved the woman from the fire. The entire structure was subsequently destroyed by the flames.
Due to their incredible teamwork, preservation of human life, and unwillingness to give up, Deputies Gallardo and Adams are awarded the Medal of Valor.
Recipients of the Medal of Valor
Deputy Mitchell Laudano, Deputy Andre Cornejo Padilla, Deputy Christopher Fort, Deputy Eduardo Olmos
Incident: Crescenta Valley Station – January 30, 2024
On January 30, 2024, Crescenta Valley Station deputies responded to a call of a structure fire in La Canada Flintridge. Deputies Mitchell Laudano, Andre Cornejo Padilla, Christopher Fort, and Eduardo Olmos arrived at a residential home engulfed in flames and immediately formulated a plan to enter the structure and rescue residents trapped inside.
As deputies prepared to enter the residence, a resident ran out of the building and informed the deputies that additional family members were trapped inside. One resident began calling for help from the second-story window. Deputy Laudano quickly devised a rescue plan. He lifted Deputy Cornejo Padilla onto the ledge beneath the window. Deputy Cornejo Padilla safely extracted the resident through the window.
Deputies Fort and Cornejo Padilla climbed back onto the second-story awning to locate and rescue additional victims trapped inside. Their search yielded no further victims. Due to their selflessness, bravery, and quick thinking, Deputies Cornejo Padilla, Fort, Laudano, and Olmos are awarded the Medal of Valor.