Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff's Station

(818) 878-1808
27050 Agoura Road, Agoura, CA 91301-5336

City of Agoura Hills, City of Calabasas, City of Hidden Hills, City of Malibu, City of Westlake Village, Chatsworth Lake Manor, Malibou Lake, Topanga, West Hills

Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station

(818) 878-1808
27050 Agoura Road, Agoura, CA 91301-5336

City of Agoura Hills, City of Calabasas, City of Hidden Hills, City of Malibu, City of Westlake Village, Chatsworth Lake Manor, Malibou Lake, Topanga, West Hills

Captain Seetoo is wearing a tan long sleeve shirt with a black tie. Gold badge over left side and two bars on her collar. She is seated in front of a blue background and the american flag is seen behind her over her right shoulder.

Jennifer Seetoo

News and Stories

How high is too high to drive, Person looking at his hands while under the influence of Marjuana.

A Little High – Marijuana DUI Public Service Announcement

A Little High – Marijuana DUI Public Service Announcement 1024 576 SIB Staff

Marijuana has been legal for recreational use in California for a while, but you might still wonder, “How high is too high to drive?”  Turns out, even a little high…

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Updated Information



Station Parking Enforcement

The primary Mission of Parking Enforcement Detail (PED) is to ensure the residents of the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County are provided with expeditious vehicle movement to help alleviate parking congestion, improve the availability of parking choices, and to assist the communities in addressing all parking related matters.

PED shall protect and with fairness, apportion scarce parking spaces for all legitimate vehicles by insuring those who violate parking regulations are properly addressed through the California Vehicle Codes (CVC), the Los Angeles County Vehicle Codes (LACoVC) and other various municipal codes.

For more information, view our Parking Enforcement Information Handouts:
English - PDF
Español - PDF

Each Los Angeles County Sheriff's Station has a Parking Enforcement unit. Please visit the Stations page to find your local Sheriff's Station.

Station Locations

Please visit the LA county Sheriff's Department Pay by web site.

Pay by web

Please visit the LA county Sheriff's Department Pay by web site.

Pay by web

For more information on contesting a site, please visit:

Pay by web

For more street services in LA County please report your problem here:

Public Works Los Angeles County

To contact the proper Sheriff's station for your parking concerns and to send an email request for service; first determine who services your address by entering the area location address and click the "Find" button.