Lakewood Sheriff's Station

(562) 623-3500
5130 Clark Avenue, Lakewood CA 90712

Serving the areas of: City of Artesia, City of Bellflower, City of Hawaiian Gardens, City of Lakewood, City of Paramount, Unincorporated Cerritos, Unincorporated Long Beach.

Lakewood Sheriff’s Station

(562) 623-3500
5130 Clark Avenue, Lakewood CA 90712

Captain is wearing a tan long sleeve shirt with a black tie, badge on left side of shirt, sitting infront of an american flag, sitting infront of a blue background.


Dan Holguin

News and Stories

How high is too high to drive, Person looking at his hands while under the influence of Marjuana.

A Little High – Marijuana DUI Public Service Announcement

A Little High – Marijuana DUI Public Service Announcement 1024 576 SIB Staff

Marijuana has been legal for recreational use in California for a while, but you might still wonder, “How high is too high to drive?”  Turns out, even a little high…

read more

Updated Information



Station Parking Enforcement

The primary Mission of Parking Enforcement Detail (PED) is to ensure the residents of the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County are provided with expeditious vehicle movement to help alleviate parking congestion, improve the availability of parking choices, and to assist the communities in addressing all parking related matters.

PED shall protect and with fairness, apportion scarce parking spaces for all legitimate vehicles by insuring those who violate parking regulations are properly addressed through the California Vehicle Codes (CVC), the Los Angeles County Vehicle Codes (LACoVC) and other various municipal codes.

For more information, view our Parking Enforcement Information Handouts:
English - PDF
Español - PDF

Each Los Angeles County Sheriff's Station has a Parking Enforcement unit. Please visit the Stations page to find your local Sheriff's Station.

Station Locations

Please visit the LA county Sheriff's Department Pay by web site.

Pay by web

Please visit the LA county Sheriff's Department Pay by web site.

Pay by web

For more information on contesting a site, please visit:

Pay by web

For more street services in LA County please report your problem here:

Public Works Los Angeles County

To contact the proper Sheriff's station for your parking concerns and to send an email request for service; first determine who services your address by entering the area location address and click the "Find" button.

Additional Information and Links

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department offers interested citizens and students the opportunity to directly observe law enforcement activities through participation in a station ride-along program. To participate in the program, applicants must meet program eligibility criteria and agree to all participation conditions.

Citation corrections and vehicle inspections are available at the front counter of Lakewood Station. Bring your citation and required documentation to the front counter.

Expired registration violation, bring current DMV registration. A small fee is assessed for certification of correction, pursuant to section 26746.1 of the California Government code.

Payments can be made by using cash or check.

In order to request a report, please call (562) 623-3500 prior to arriving at Lakewood Station with the file/report number of your case, to check if the report is available.

In certain instances, the report may not be available due to ongoing investigations or the report may be unavailable to the public.

When the report is ready, come to the Lakewood Station lobby and pay the current fee for the report.

Types of Reports:

  • Criminal and Non-criminal reports
  • Repossession Fees
  • Traffic Collisions reports

*In cases of Domestic Violence, the victim shall receive a copy of the police report at no cost

Please Note:
Payments for reports can be made by using cash or check.

Restrictions on receiving a copy of a Sheriff’s Report:

  • To receive a copy of a traffic collision, you must either be a party listed on the collision report or an employee of a representing insurance agency.
  • To receive a copy of a criminal report, you must either be a party listed on the report or the listed victim.
  • Persons who are not listed as parties on the report will not be able to purchase a report

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, has created the “Safe Drug Drop-Off” program. The program provides an opportunity for residents to safely dispose of prescription drugs and Sharps (needles):

  • “SHARPS” (Needles)
  • Prescription Drugs

Contact Lakewood Station to find out the next scheduled date for Drug Drop-Off. Please bring only prescription drugs in a plastic bag and drop them off with a deputy in the front lobby. The sharps (needle) container is located just outside the Lakewood Station entrance.

The sharps (needles) may be dropped off at any time as long as the container is not full.

If your vehicle has been towed or impounded by a Deputy from Lakewood Station, call (562) 623-3500 to check if the vehicle can be released.

In order to obtain a vehicle release, you must be the registered owner of the vehicle and must bring a State-issued driver’s license.

Lakewood Station contracts with the following tow companies:

Area: Lakewood, Bellflower
Kenny’s Tow – (562) 925-9531
17406 Woodruff Ave., Bellflower CA 90706

Area: Paramount
Kruger Tow- (310) 639-3107
17803 Santa Fe Ave., Rancho Dominguez CA 90221

Area: Hawaiian Gardens
Mr. C’s Towing – (562) 594-5921
10821 Bloomfield Ave., Los Alamitos CA 90720

Please Note:
If your vehicle was towed/impounded in the city of Paramount, there may be assessed fees that must be paid prior to picking up the vehicle.

Please call the Paramount sub-station at (562) 920-2002 for further information.

WE WANT YOU – Become a Volunteer

The Volunteer program consists of members from the community who have demonstrated a willingness to maintain a high quality of life in the area they live in. These individuals have assumed responsibilities that require them to achieve a higher level of public trust. Volunteers have an opportunity to learn about law enforcement, and with their unselfish acts of community service, help improve law enforcement services.

Volunteer Opportunities

The County of Los Angeles Volunteer program offers volunteers an opportunity to be involved with nearly every aspect of a station. Volunteers may choose to be a part of such traditional functions as:

Clergy Program – Clergy members in the community who ride with the deputies and assist in dealing with human crisis.

Front Desk – Volunteers work the station front counter in a Volunteer Uniform to greet the public and provide station services.

Clerical – Volunteers work in the station secretariat and assist with filing of reports and work under the direction of the secretaries.

Volunteers On Patrol – What is the V.O.P. Program? This program performs primarily nonhazardous duties, which are currently performed by patrol deputies. The program will therefore, allow patrol deputies to perform the more hazardous duties they have been trained to do. This helps our Department to better achieve its goal of serving the community. Volunteers work in volunteer vehicles in a volunteer uniform assisting in the field as additional eyes and ears in the community.

Some of the tasks V.O.P. members complete are:

  • Patrolling the community for criminal activity or safety hazards
  • Residential vacation checks
  • Park and school safety checks
  • Graffiti watch
  • Non-Hazardous directed patrol assignments
  • Requests from City/County services
  • Search for missing children
  • Exterior shopping mall checks
  • Fire watch
  • Traffic control
  • Foot/Vehicle patrol

Transit watch Experience Required:

VOP training is required and will be provided before field assignment. This includes volunteers in vehicles and foot patrols. To maintain the VOP’s skill and expertise, there is a minimum of 16 hours per month of deployment time is required. This requirement is for the safety of the volunteer and others around him or her and for liability issues for the Department and County.

Volunteers are not Deputy Sheriffs!

They do not place themselves in a position of danger. As a V.O.P. member, you will not carry any weapon and you are not expected to enter into a physical altercation with anyone. As a V.O.P. member, you will always work with at least one partner. This is for their safety as well as the safety and responsibility of the Department.

CERT Certified Volunteers – Volunteers who elect to respond to disaster areas and provide aid as directed by the Sheriff’s Department.

How to apply – Contact Lakewood Sheriff’s Station at 562-623-3500. After you complete and sign the application, return it to Lakewood Sheriff’s Station (5130 Clark Ave. Lakewood, CA 90712).

What is a Sheriff’s Explorer?

The Law Enforcement Explorer program is a Sheriff’s Department youth-oriented program. It is affiliated with the special interest phase of the Boy Scouts of America.

Its primary purpose is to provide through actual experience, a means by which young men and women may determine if they would like to pursue a career in law enforcement.

The program also provides the Sheriff’s Department with additional human resources. It also opens an important avenue of understanding with an energetic, concerned society of young people.

Training: After acceptance into the program, initial training for our new explorers takes place at the Sheriff’s Academy, located at: 11515 South Colima Rd., Whittier.

The explorer academy consists of approximately 184 hours of instruction during 18-weeks of training on Saturdays.

Subjects covered include community relations, criminal law, firearms safety, narcotics control, police procedures and weaponless defense must be mastered.

The trainees are required to undergo drill and physical training, in addition to their classroom work.

Satisfactory completion of the academy earns the Deputy Explorer ten high school unit credits. In some cases, college credit can also be earned by post-graduation Academy involvement.

Who are we seeking?

To qualify for the position of Deputy Explorer, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 14-21
  • Have completed the 8th grade
  • Have at least a “C” or 2.0 grade point average on the last report card issued, if still in High School
  • Have no serious arrests or convictions
  • Shall not be on active probation

If you are interested, contact the Lakewood Station Explorer Coordinator at (562) 623-3519.