Group photo of deputies fitted with body cameras

Salary & Benefits

The two most common questions we typically field are: “What is the salary for a Deputy Sheriff in LA County?” and “What are the benefits for a Deputy Sheriff in LA County?” Read below to find out the average starting salary and the many benefits the LASD enjoys, such as tuition discounts, health and dental insurance, paid time off, and so much more. 

Deputy Sheriff Trainee, $79,495 - $98,757 annual. ($6,625 - $8,229 Monthly). Earn your full salary and benefits during the 22 week academy, Image of two lines of uniformed sheriff trainees in the background.
Deputy Sheriff Generalist. $84,827 - $143,117 annual. ($$7,068 - $11,926 monthly). After graduating from the Academy, your first assignment will be in custody, courts or inmate transportation. Image of Black and white sheriff's vehicle in the background with the lights on.

Patrol Retention: 2% BONUS pay after 30 months assigned in patrol

Coveted Deputy positions:  5.6% – 24% BONUS pay

Education Incentive – Start at a higher wage

AA/AS: $6,773.46 Monthly
BA/BS: $7,150.82 Monthly


Diversity of Assignments

Over 350 unique assignments for Deputy Sheriffs and many Promotional Opportunities throughout the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Health and Dental Plans

Deputy Sheriffs have excellent health, vision and dental plans available for themselves and their eligible family members/domestic partners. The County of Los Angeles contributes to all plans.

Compressed Work Schedule

Compressed work schedules are available for many deputies. Deputies who work on compressed schedules work the same number of hours each week but can have more consecutive days off, by working longer days.

Sick Leave and Disability Benefits

Sworn employees receive up to 80 hours of 100 percent paid sick leave and 40 hours of 50 percent paid sick leave, in their first year while employed. Employees may accumulate up to 96 hours at 100 percent each year.  They can earn 320 hours at 65 percent and 1440 hours at 50 percent paid sick leave throughout their career.

Vacation and Holidays

After one year of service, Sworn employees receive 80 hours of vacation time per year.  They can also earn up to 200 hours per year, throughout their career. Every sworn employee also receives a total of 13 paid holidays per year.

Pension Plan

The County of Los Angeles has an independent pension system to which both the employee and the County contribute. Additional information on the pension system may be found at

Deferred Compensation Plan

Additional retirement financial planning can be accomplished through regular contributions to a deferred compensation plan. Los Angeles County matches up to 4% of employee contributions.  The funds deferred are not subject to State or Federal taxation until withdrawn.

LASD University

Full-Time Deputy Sheriffs receive tuition discounts to an impressive variety of colleges or universities. LASDU encourages all Department personnel to start or return to college for their personal and professional growth.

GI Bill benefits

Utilize your GI Bill (BAH) while in the Academy.

Military Reserve and National Guard

Receive Flex time and 30 Day full pay for Military leave.  If over 30 days, LASD makes up the difference in pay

Military Buy Back program

Purchase years of your prior military service to retire earlier.

Dependent Spending Account

Los Angeles County contributes to an optional Dependent Spending account.

Bilingual BONUS Pay

Earn bonus pay by being certified as a bilingual Deputy Sheriff.

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